Past Events
Gerry Elman gave a presentation on Trade Secrets and NDAs: Legal Tools to Protect Your Intellectual Property at the April 10, 2020 meeting of the Delaware County, PA, Intellectual Property Forum.
- Companies generally have records of their intellectual property (“IP”) in the categories of patent, trademark, and copyright. But most overlook the value of information that would qualify for protection as trade secrets. Because trade secrets don’t get registered with a government agency, they’re the red-headed stepchild in the IP family. Yet when your company assesses and documents its trade secrets, you enhance their protection against misappropriation by domestic and foreign bad guys.
- Feel more confident when you’re presented with a Non-Disclosure Agreement to sign. And learn how to get the benefit of trade secret protection not only under longstanding state law, but also under a comparatively new federal statute – the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016.
(Image credit: Topsecretsidebar.jpg,
Gerry Elman spoke on The Topsy Turvy World of Fake Products: Catching Trademark Counterfeiters – June 28, 2019
Presentation at meeting of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association Delaware Valley Chapter. Venue: John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge near the Philadelphia airport. Click here to visit our page to download Gerry’s slideshow.
Gerry Elman spoke on What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)? – June 27, 2019
Presentation at kickoff meeting of the Philly Tech and Business Meetup. Venue: WeWork, 1601 Market Street, Philadelphia.
DCIPF Presentation on New Developments in Patent Prosecution – February 2019
On February 7th, 2019, Gerry Elman spoke at a luncheon of local patent lawyers on the Patent Eligibility Guidance issued by the USPTO on January 7th and the Supreme Court decision interpreting the on-sale bar, issued January 22nd. Contact us if you’d like more information on these recent developments.
DPAC Presentation on Trade Secrets – December 2018
On December 18th, 2018, Gerry Elman and Josh Waterston hosted a discussion with the Data Protection Advisory Council, on the topic of “Trade Secrets: an Essential Element of Your Intellectual Property Strategy.”
Companies generally have records of their intellectual property (“IP”) in the categories of patent, trademark, and copyright. But most overlook the value of their data that would qualify for protection as trade secrets. Because trade secrets don’t get registered with a government agency, they’re the red-headed stepchild in the IP family. Yet when your company assesses and documents its trade secrets, you enhance their protection against misappropriation. Gerry Elman and Josh Waterston of Elman Technology Law, P.C., shared a roadmap for making this a part of your comprehensive data protection strategy. Companies can learn how to get the benefit of trade secret protection not only under longstanding local state law, but also under a comparatively new federal statute – the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016.
Click here for the download page of their presentation.
Lunch Keynote at National CIO GovTech Conference, on “Cyber Security and Cyber Risk Management” – October 2018
Gerry Elman and Josh Waterston attended the the National CIO Government Technology Conference at the Pyramid Club in Philadelphia. Gerry Elman and Austin Morris of Morris Risk Management co-presented the lunch keynote on “Cyber Security and Cyber Risk Management”.
Click here for the download page of Gerry Elman’s slideshow on “Mitigating Legal Risk From Cyber and Privacy Infractions”.
TPNG/PAGCG Cybersecurity Panel – May 2018
Josh Waterston and Gerry Elman participated in a panel discussion on cybersecurity, co-sponsored by the Technology Professionals Networking Group (TPNG) and the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group (PAGCG) at WeWork, 1900 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Guest Lecture on “Patents and the Internet of Things” – April 2018
Gerry Elman gave a guest lecture on “Patents and the Internet of Things (IoT)” at Temple University Law School. If you’re developing a Smart Technology, helping a company navigate the Internet of Things, or just curious about the subject, click here for the page to download his presentation.

Presenter at IFAI Expo – September 2017
Gerry Elman was a presenter at IFAI Expo, the gala trade show of the Industrial Fabrics Association International in New Orleans. Gerry spoke at three sessions, on intellectual property and cybersecurity issues regarding Smart Fabrics. Read this article from Advanced Textiles Source that quotes him.