
At Elman Technology Law, we are passionate about enabling our clients to pursue their creative ideas, from concept to reality.  This includes computer software, written text, music, graphic art, and architecture. See below for pointers to our articles about copyright.

Gerry’s chapter on Intellectual Property Protection for Biotechnology Inventions

By |2019-11-24T14:32:12-05:00June 18th, 2019|Biotechnology, Copyright, Intellectual Property, Patent, Trade Secret, Trademark|

Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Editor Craig Shimasaki and contributing author Gerry Elman Gerry Elman visited with Craig Shimasaki at the BIO International Convention in Philadelphia, June 5, 2019.  Craig is the editor of the treatise Biotechnology Entrepreneurship. Gerry and a co-author contributed the chapter on Intellectual Property Protection. Since the first edition was published in [...]

Similar drawings, copyright infringement? Art Seidel showed a jury the answer was NO.

By |2020-02-17T12:06:06-05:00April 7th, 2016|Copyright, Intellectual Property|

I’m breaking my arm patting myself on the back … at least for being quick on the draw. I was able to come up with an additional answer to the following question, moments after it was posted on Q: Can I use mythological creatures on a card game?: Are mythological creatures, such as chimeras, [...]

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