Intellectual Property

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Chaotic Environment for U.S. Patents

By |2018-09-04T12:43:41-04:00September 5th, 2007|Patent|

Originally posted at IBLS Charter Partner: Gerry Elman, Elman Technology Law, P.C., Wednesday, September 05, 2007 The recent US Supreme Court case, KSR International v. Teleflex, answered the following question: "If a new product combines, albeit in a novel way, two or more pre-existing products, is it worth a patent?" To answer this [...]

Copyright and Internet Issues: Gerry Elman’s first interview on Money Matters TV.

By |2009-07-29T08:27:56-04:00May 29th, 2006|Cyberlaw, Intellectual Property, Internet Business|

Gerry Elman was interviewed on Money Matters TV on May 29, 2006, by Bill Montgomery and Bill Schultz. They asked Gerry about technology law, copyright, content on the Internet, and Google Books. Gerry's interview starts at time 5:32 in the session and ends at 28:32. You can scroll past the first five and a half [...]

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