
At Elman Technology Law, we are passionate about enabling our clients to pursue their business ideas, from concept to reality.  See below for pointers to our articles about patents.

Gerry’s chapter on Intellectual Property Protection for Biotechnology Inventions

By |2019-11-24T14:32:12-05:00June 18th, 2019|Biotechnology, Copyright, Intellectual Property, Patent, Trade Secret, Trademark|

Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Editor Craig Shimasaki and contributing author Gerry Elman Gerry Elman visited with Craig Shimasaki at the BIO International Convention in Philadelphia, June 5, 2019.  Craig is the editor of the treatise Biotechnology Entrepreneurship. Gerry and a co-author contributed the chapter on Intellectual Property Protection. Since the first edition was published in [...]

Get Gerry’s slideshow here on The Topsy Turvy World of Fake Products: Catching Trademark Counterfeiters

By |2021-04-21T11:45:06-04:00June 12th, 2019|Events, Featured, Intellectual Property, Internet Business, Patent Enforcement, Trademark|

The topsy-turvy world of counterfeit products includes not only luxury consumer goods but also pharmaceuticals, automobile parts, and electronic components.  The billions of dollars of fake products sold annually not only siphon revenue from producers of genuine goods, but sometimes also lead to injury or death. Gerry Elman gave this presentation at the June 28, [...]

GE says bye-bye to biotech. … So it goes.

By |2020-01-01T08:45:00-05:00February 25th, 2019|Biotechnology, Patent|

February 25, 2019  — The Wall Street Journal headline reads: GE to Sell Its Biotech Business for $21 Billion.  I now know for certain that we're in a topsy-turvy world. Back in 1980 it was lawyers for the General Electric company that persuaded the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm, in the legendary decision of Diamond v. [...]

Watch Gene Dolgoff’s video on The Importance of Patents

By |2019-06-02T16:33:42-04:00October 8th, 2018|Featured, Intellectual Property, Patent, Patent Enforcement, Patent Legislation|

We are delighted to share with you this video by our client Gene Dolgoff. Gerry Elman helped him file his first patent application in 1968, which Gene mentions here. And we are honored to be helping protect the intellectual property for his latest inventions as well. Click the > PLAY button in the image to [...]

Gerry Elman’s Temple Law School presentation on Patents and the Internet of Things

By |2019-05-28T08:01:17-04:00April 18th, 2018|Intellectual Property, Internet of Things (IoT), Patent|

On April 3, 2018, Gerry was a guest lecturer at Temple Law School, on the topic of Patents and The Internet of Things. If you're developing a Smart Technology, helping a company navigate the Internet of Things, or just curious about the subject, check out his slideshow. To download this presentation, please complete the form [...]

Happy New Year 2018

By |2019-06-15T20:40:40-04:00December 22nd, 2017|Cyberlaw, Cybersecurity, Events, General, Intellectual Property, Internet Business, Internet of Things (IoT), Patent, Patent Enforcement, Privacy, Trade Secret, Trademark|

As 2017 winds down, we at Elman Technology Law wish you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of health, happiness, and success. 2017 was full of noteworthy events, and we thought we'd highlight a few items that especially affect our clients. For decades we've had the privilege of offering calendars with images [...]

Can Tribes and State Universities Use Sovereign Immunity to Avoid Patent Litigation?

By |2019-06-02T16:38:33-04:00December 22nd, 2017|Intellectual Property, Patent, Patent Enforcement|

You may have seen our firm's recent e-mail regarding the efforts of a drug company to prevent its patents from being invalidated by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) Allergan had transferred certain patents to St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and licensed them back, hoping to take advantage of the tribe's sovereign immunity to block [...]

Inventors’ Amicus Briefs Challenge Constitutionality of Patent IPR Process

By |2019-06-15T20:45:00-04:00September 19th, 2017|Inventing, Patent, Patent Enforcement, Patent Legislation|

Since the America Invents Act took effect, the Inter Partes Review process at the USPTO has led to the overwhelming majority of challenged patents being invalidated by the USPTO's Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Less than 20% of instituted claims survive a trial. Various inventors' groups and independent inventors have joined the chorus of those [...]

Inventors’ Amicus Briefs Challenge Constitutionality of Patent IPR Process

By |2019-06-02T17:04:25-04:00September 19th, 2017|Inventing, Patent, Patent Enforcement, Patent Legislation|

Since the America Invents Act took effect, the Inter Partes Review process at the USPTO has led to the overwhelming majority of challenged patents being invalidated by the USPTO's Patent Trial and Appeal Board.  Less than 20% of instituted claims survive a trial. Various inventors' groups and independent inventors have joined the chorus of those [...]

Educating the Community and Ourselves

By |2021-08-29T12:54:38-04:00July 18th, 2017|Cyberlaw, Cybersecurity, Events, Intellectual Property, Internet Business, Internet of Things (IoT), Patent, Patent Enforcement, Patent Legislation, Privacy, Trade Secret|

Elman Technology Law attorneys continue to speak and write about various topics.  Recently, two of our attorneys (Gerry Elman and Josh Waterston) have been speaking about cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, and more.  Josh Waterston authored an article in the Delaware County Bar Association's quarterly publication (Delco Re:View) on a law prohibiting the banning of [...]

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